That's a cup of strawberries, a whole banana, one container of light yogurt (today was lemon flavored) and 1 1/2 Post Shredded Wheat biscuits. It takes me a while to eat because I like the shredded wheat to get soggy and it keeps me full until late afternoon.
I started counting my baby carrots that I have with lunch every day. As it turns out, the giant Ziploc full of carrots isn't zero points like I have been tracking, but more like 2 or 3 because of the large amount of them that I eat.
I made a recipe I got off of the WW message boards too this week and it was fantastic. Salsa Chicken! I took lots of pictures of the process and will do a blog about it in a few days.
I am filling in shifts at the 'family' restaurant Lupe's Escape until they find a replacement for someone so I earned a little activity, and more importantly, stayed completely ON PLAN!! Avoided the cheese and deep fried goodness that I used to devour with no second thoughts. (to clarify, I used to work at Lupe's on a full time basis, but when I moved it was too far of a drive for me to continue. When they need some extra help they call me because they know they can depend on me to always help out in a pinch. Plus, I really love waitressing/bartending so it is a win/win for us both!) During my shift tonight, I did not eat a single tortilla chip! I don't think I have ever been in that restaurant and not put at least one chip in my mouth! I will be there tomorrow night as well as Friday and Saturday nights and I fully intend to not eat any chips then either!
Portland to Coast is coming up in a few weeks and I am in desperate need of training. On the nights that I am not at the restaurant I will be doing a minimum of 5 miles on the treadmill. I have to. No other choice! (I am looking forward to doing an after relay blog with pictures from previous years, and this year!)
This week is going to be really busy with work, Lupe's, training, and everything else, that I have to make sure to take the time to plan my meals, pack lots of snack, and not let myself get too hungry so I reach for what ever is close by instead of what is the best option.
Here is a great picture I took of myself on Saturday. My mom sent me this shirt completely unexpectedly. It is an XL, but I think it is a child's size. (My mom lives in Ohio and knows I love Alice!) I posted this pic right away on FB and got a few requests to post my 'After' pics as most of my friends live far enough away that they haven't seen the "new me". I got some great resoponses! I have to admit, the attention I get being skinny is amazing!
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